Saturday, April 18, 2009

Way to Wisdom –is There a True Realization?

Author: Arjunvasan Ambigapathy

Preface – one choice; true realization; wisdom of mind

Is it there or not, a wisdom to choose where you want to go. We often leave the choice of deciding our destiny to others. This so called “others” may be god, a leader, a successful personality etc.

Its hard time we imagine how they got their wisdom, is it through a follow made or a choice by own.

With thoughts that flow with this article I wish you will take time to reconsider the wisdom of your choice will in a way might yield a clear way to your destiny.

A Choice – Who makes them in relationship?

From the morning wakeup call everyday our life spins around a group of characters; they may be your fellow mates, colleagues, boss, mentor whatever you call them may be. We depend on them for our living, well being etc.

Something very special to be observed in this type of relationships is that they most often depend on us for their life affairs too; such interdependency may be advantageous or may fail in some circumstances. Relationships can be sometimes abstract like a friend in travel or event may be, but most often the friendship we make is basically for a dependency. Most often we can come to a conclusion that we make relationships when we expect something from them. And so it now becomes a basic choice made by our mind, a tendency that came along with us in this wonderful process of evolution.

The science behind making choice –

Today we have a slim, compact, but powerful iMac PC’s but not to forget the evolution of science from the past. Every invention, discovery in science till the research done in nanophotonics today has always been done with an expectation we had on our results. Whatever we do we do it for some consequence, positive or not but some result.

This is that point where the concept of making a choice arises. Nothing has stopped Einstein from deriving E=mC2, nothing has stopped Newton from formulating gravity theory, but it has been their choices that made them accomplish results. It is their own choices irrespective of what the results might yield.

And surprisingly what we see today in our school science curriculum is the formula framed a long time ago by a school dropout. Einstein made his decision (choice) independently, when he didn’t depend on the words of his teacher or so, but was his innate potential that pulled him out of the usual track and has hailed him in the scientific history as a hero. Surprisingly if we note some of the extraordinary people who lived and are still living in this world, we could note something in common (though no facts). And it is this independent thinking they made in their life.

Mostly the people whom we approach for a solution might have experienced the same problem or a different one. They might have had the same type of situation or a different one when they solved the problem. Hence we cannot make it a point that these people can offer us a better choice in selecting a solution for our problem. They might sometimes solve our problem or may not. As an abstract context we can say Einstein hailed as scientific hero, while other failures might blame them or someone around them for their problem.

One wisdom – One mind

It has always been a choice in our life; every second we proceed in our life has a choice in it. But we humans most often depend on this choice on something or the other. As an example I can say we depend on animals for meat, vegetables for food, him /her for a relationship etc. Our choice now depends indirectly on some other person.

And at this point I raise a question if there is a real wisdom in our life?...

Anyway our choice is being decided by someone around us, then how can there be a real wisdom in life. It is the choice that has created whole lot of activities around this world.

Wisdom – a choice of GOD

At this point of making choices, we mostly put our dependency on GOD. However the concept of existence of GOD has always been a mystery. Lot of people from the past are seeking a true meaning for this one realization (realizing GOD). This realization is the wisdom man has been longing for ages. Wisdom of choice in life, what Buddha made as sage after being a king and others. They all were seeking this one realization”a true wisdom of choice”.

However if we agree these characters had achieved wisdom in their lives, our choice of living has always been dependant. Hence in my opinion I would say wisdom is something that we take it into account. And this one realization in never a prescribed one, but is only in the mind of the person who thinks in himself he has achieved the “WISDOM of true Realization in life”.

“Wisdom in our lives has never been a matter of choice but is a matter of the mind that makes it”.

About the Author:

Not so a amateur but have passion to develop skill...I would love to receive comments from readers if i hope am lucky...

Article Source: - Way to Wisdom –is There a True Realization?

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